Uncomfortable truth: Abortion is daily 9/11

Student Action members passed out anti-abortion flyers and took surveys of passing students.
Student Action members passed out anti-abortion flyers and took surveys of passing students.

September 11, 2001 is a date engraved in our nation’s collective memory. We will never forget the tragic day Islamic terrorists wrought havoc on America. We mourn the loss of innocent life. We pray. We fight so that order might prevail over chaos, Christian civilization over terrorism. Yet, side by side with the war against terror is another unnoticed war; a culture war to defend innocent life against the sinful slaughter of abortion.

As long as society endorses abortion – ignoring the rights of God and natural law – it will not find true peace. Abortion and its inseparable immoral mentality, destroys the very foundation of society, the family. This is the message members of Tradition Family Property Student Action highlighted with students at Pennsylvania State University’s main campus, University Park, on September 11.

This message is not the regular fare college students get on campuses rife with sensuality and moral relativism.
The impact of the campaign was noticeable. Amazed, one student exclaimed: “Awesome, awesome, awesome! I’m glad you guys have the courage to do this,” he said. Another passing student volunteered to help: “I have free time on my hands, so let me help you give out some flyers.”

Pro-abortionist makes threat

Peter Shibler and Matthew Taylor held thought-provoking signs on College Ave.
Peter Shibler and Matthew Taylor held thought-provoking signs on College Ave.

However, it wasn’t all rosy, as the threatening words of a flustered pro-abortionist illustrate: “I’m sick and tired of seeing you. I wish I could kill each and every one of you!”

A while later, other abortion supporters took turns taunting TFP Student Action volunteers: “I wish your mother had aborted you!” “If I see you protesting at the abortion clinic, I’ll punch you in the face!” “Your Pope is a Nazi!” “I know a high bridge you can jump off of!”

Full of emotional charge, a female student ranted at the top of her lungs saying that men have no right to opine against abortion because, according to her, it is only a woman’s choice. Well, maybe she didn’t realize that men have mothers too. Or maybe she didn’t understand one of TFP Student Action’s signs: “Abortion kills life, family, culture and civilization.” Whatever the case, she needed prayers.

Faced with the truth, some abortion advocates walking to and from classes erupted with unrepeatable profanities and vulgar insults. It was disagreeable, but it didn’t discourage TFP Student Action members. They kept focused.

A passing bicyclist punched a clipboard out of James Slobodnik’s hands, and then sped away. “Hum, that’s not so tolerant,” thought Mr. Slobodnik to himself, as he picked up his clipboard and continued passing out flyers titled Ten Reasons Why Abortion is Wrong. A nearby student, hardly believing what he saw, called out: “I’ll take your survey. When I saw him do that to you, I wanted to kick his bike down!”

An ever-increasing number of Americans are waking up to the horror of abortion.
An ever-increasing number of Americans are waking up to the horror of abortion.

On the other side of the street was Alvaro Zapata. He held a sign that read: “Honk against abortion!” in large bold letters, prompting many cars to honk. His successful sign was not cherished by a woman who spat on him and his honk sign.

Something surprising happened shortly before the campaign ended. The same female student who had yelled against us earlier, returned. In a much softer tone this time, she said: “I want to apologize for screaming at you before. I’m really sorry.”

Finally, TFP members gathered on the sidewalk near the Allen Street Gates to pray to the Blessed Mother under the invocation of Virgin Most Pure. May she protect and strengthen our nation both against terrorism and the sins of abortion by inspiring repentance, penance and conversion. Only then will we have true peace in America.


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