Update: “Gender Free” Target Now Becoming Profit Free

""""[vc_column_text]Update: “Gender Free” Target Now Becoming Profit FreeIn April of 2016, Target Corporation announced that it would spend $20 million to install “gender neutral” dressing rooms and bathrooms in its entire 300 department stores nationwide. This move pandered to the politically correct diktats of those who are promoting the next step in the sexual revolution: transgenderism. However, it did not appeal to the customer base that generates profits for Target.

In early 2016, Target spokeswoman Katie Boylan said, “At the end of the day, Target is all about inclusion. We want everyone to feel comfortable in our stores.”1 Boylan had certainly not considered the majority of ladies and girls who do not feel comfortable using dressing rooms and bathrooms with men who pretend to be women.

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Many organizations such as the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and the American Family Association (AFA) have launched petitions to alert the public of Target’s immoral policy and boycott the store. Well over a million Americans have signed these initiatives. Since these actions began until today, Target’s stock has steadily fallen from $84 to $54 per share. That’s a 35% drop in stock value.

Target denies any connection between the boycott and the downturn. Target CEO Brain Cornell has continuously avoided dealing with the elephant in the room. He recently stated that “our fourth quarter results reflect the impact of rapidly-changing consumer behavior, which drove very strong digital growth but unexpected softness in our stores.”2

Say NO to Target’s “Transgender” Bathrooms and Changing Rooms
♦ Sign the Petition ♦

Target points to declining markets for department stores like Macy’s as its alibi for the downturn. However, Target never was in the same league as Macy’s, but was always measured by its rival Walmart. Yet, while Target reels financially, Walmart is reporting higher than expected sales in stores and online. It seems that Walmart customers are not subject to the same “rapidly-changing consumer behavior.”

Below are some recent headlines that show that everyone else can see clearly what Target refuses to see at all.

Transgender Backlash? Target Stock Takes Biggest Plunge EVER
Poll: Vast Majority Of Americans Believe Bathrooms Should Be Linked To Biological Sex
Target Retailer Hits $15 Billion Loss Since Pro-Transgender Announcement
Target Stock Is Even Worse Than Q4 Earnings Suggest
Target Abruptly Shuts Expansion Projects amid Boycott

Forcing a minority’s sexual identity crisis upon a large customer base is bad for business. Target is now reaping the bitter fruit of political correctness. Aiming to be “gender free,” they are now becoming profit free. By its failure to address the concerns of so many of its customers, Target clearly missed the target.[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_color=”grey” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-angle-right”]

Taking a Principled not a Personal Stand

As practicing Catholics, we are filled with compassion and pray for those who struggle against violent temptation to sin, be it toward homosexual sin or otherwise.

We are conscious of the enormous difference between these individuals who struggle with their weaknesses and strive to overcome them and others who transform their sin into a reason for pride, and try to impose their lifestyle on society as a whole, in flagrant opposition to traditional Christian morality and natural law. However, we pray for them too.

According to the expression attributed to Saint Augustine, we “hate the sin but love the sinner.” And to love the sinner, as the same Doctor of the Church explains, is to wish for him the best we can possibly desire for ourselves, namely, “that he may love God with a perfect affection.” (St. Augustine, Of the Morals of the Catholic Church, no. 49, www.newadvent.org/fathers/1401.htm)[/vc_message][/vc_column][/vc_row]



  1. http://www.advocate.com/transgender/2016/8/18/target-install-gender-neutral-bathrooms-all-its-stores
  2. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/28/target-earnings-q4-2016.html

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