Victory for Traditional Marriage in Missouri

Nearly three out of four Missourians who voted on Tuesday voiced their rejection of same-sex “marriage,” passing a state constitutional amendment defining that “marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman.” Missouri is the first of at least nine states scheduled to put similar constitutional amendments on the ballot.

Although Missouri already had a law prohibiting same-sex “marriage,” in the wake of judges mandating its acceptance in Massachusetts, proponents of the amendment felt more secure measures were needed. “People don’t want to see in Missouri what happened in Massachusetts,” said Vicky Hartzler of the Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri.

The amendment was the hottest issue on the ballot in spite of a highly contested gubernatorial primary race. It received 38,000 more votes than anything else on the ticket. Moreover, Tuesday’s vote was the highest turnout for any primary election in Missouri’s history since they began keeping records in 1980. This gives further evidence that homosexual “marriage” is a pressing concern for Americans.

Many homosexual activists fear the vote will presage future defeats. According to Matt Foreman, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Task Force: “The notion that we’re going to prevail in any of these contests is the wrong notion.”

However, fears of losing did not prevent the proponents of same-sex “marriage” from raising nearly $400,000 (40 times the $10,000 spent by traditional marriage supporters) to defeat the amendment. Despite their efforts, as Matt Franck wrote in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, “values appeared to beat dollars at the ballot box.”

Indeed, values did beat dollars at the ballot box in Missouri. May Our Lady grant that such an overwhelming defeat of homosexual activism serve as a beacon, rallying other states to affirm their rejection of same-sex “marriage” and adherence to natural law.

To view a copy of our congratulatory letter to Ms. Vicky Hartzler President of the Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri click here.


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