Weathering the Storm Spreading Reason in Face of Hype

Weathering the Storm Spreading Reason in Face of Hype
Local TFP Coordinator, Norman Fulkerson, addresses the crowd at the Locust Hill Country Club for the launching for the hard-hitting book, I Have Weathered Other Storms.

In face of the media hype and truly scandalous behavior surrounding the current Church scandals, many faithful feel they have been thrown alone into rough seas. They desperately search for a voice of reason to lead them to calmer waters.

Hoping to provide such a voice, the Rochester, N.Y. chapter of Call to Holiness sponsored a launching for the hard-hitting book just authored by the TFP Commission for American Issues, I Have Weathered Other Storms: A Response to the Scandals and Democratic Reforms that Threaten the Catholic Church, was presented at the Locust Hill Country Club on December 15 with a standing-room-only attendance of over 70 people. Call to Holiness is an organization of Catholics, founded to defend and support the Church Magisterium through prayer, education and evangelization.

The event represents the first of many local launchings planned for St. Louis, Mo., Washington, D.C. and elsewhere across the nation.

“In launching this book nationwide, we hope to dispel all the dark emotion clouding the issue, by presenting the light of traditional Church teaching,” said TFP director John Horvat, who is currently leading the book’s marketing and promotion effort.

In spite of forecasts predicting over a foot of snow, the temperature remained above freezing. “It was as if Providence smiled upon us,” said local TFP coordinator Norman Fulkerson. “If we had gotten the snow that was predicted, it would have been much more difficult and even dangerous for people to attend the launching.”

Mr. Fulkerson hopes that the book will become a handbook for American Catholics as they weather these scandals.

“This book was not printed to collect dust on a shelf, but to be studied seriously,” said Mr. Fulkerson, addressing the attendees. “If you become well acquainted with its content, you will have all the arguments you need to defend the Church against those trying to use these scandals to sully Her.”

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