Remembering the Early Days of the American TFP

The history of an institution often resembles that of a building. We can find analogies between the creation and growth of both. The history of a Catholic-inspired institution more precisely resembles the building of a cathedral. Every truly Catholic institution bears traces of the moral profile of Holy Mother Church from which … Read more

The Myths, the Legends, and the Whole Truth about TFP Caravans

The Myths, the Legends, and the Whole Truth about TFP Caravans

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) employs many different ways of reaching out to the public. Some are common like online videos, web sites, e-mails, newsletters, mass mailings, talks, and street campaigns. There is an outreach that is unique to the TFP: the TFP caravans. A … Read more

What Is the Meaning of the TFP’s Symbols?

Many people are familiar with the hallmark red standards and capes of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). While leftists hate and fear these symbols, those who fight for moral values love them. Why do TFP symbols inspire so much admiration and hatred? What do they … Read more

I Was There When the TFP Ceremonial Habit Was Created

I Was There When the TFP Ceremonial Habit Was Created 1

Over the years, you may have seen TFP members wearing the organization’s ceremonial habit at TFP or other events. Or you may have seen pictures of the TFP habit on the organization’s Web sites or publications. On January 22, 2009, for example, the estimated 300,000 participants of the 36th March for Life … Read more

TFP: Tradition

Tradition, Family, and Property

When we speak of tradition, many people think of England, the Queen the House of Lords, Rolls Royces, top hats and British distinction and poise… All of these impressions, considered as a whole, cause divergent reactions in people’s minds. Very many see tradition under different hues as time goes by, depending on … Read more

The TFP’s Rampant Lion

Opposition Grows to “Church” of Lucifer Opening in Texas - TFP lion Statements

The TFP lion agreeably unites three qualities: strength, movement and agility. The lion does not give the impression that he is very heavy, carnivorous or ferocious. On the contrary, he demonstrates elegance, aristocracy and strength. He is a lion that knows how to be a Crusader. Taken together, these elements give the … Read more

XXI Century Crusade

XXI Century Crusade 4

Medieval Crusaders shed their blood to free the Sepulcher of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the hands of the infidels and to establish a Christian kingdom in the Holy Land. Today the blood of Catholics still flows — in Communist China, the Sudan, Cuba, and many other countries where religious persecutions continue … Read more

In Memoriam: Frederick V. Porfilio

In Memoriam: Frederick V. Porfilio 5

In Memoriam: Frederick V. Porfilio 1939 — 1990 15 Years Later “Our Lady loves us!” In the moments when the daily routine was the most difficult, one could often hear these words escaping the lips of fellow TFP member, Frederick Vincent Porfilio, better know as “Mr. Fred.” He had a keen notion … Read more

What They Say About The American TFP

President Ronald Reagan writes to the American TFP.

“I could not agree with you more on the need to take the Fatima message to Catholics across the world. Your campaign to bring devotions into homes and rekindle religious practice there is commendable.” John Cardinal O’Connor Archbishop of New York “For many years it has been my privilege to work closely … Read more
