Why Are We Isolating Ourselves While Much of the World Now Unites Against Us?

Why Are We Isolating Ourselves While Much of the World Now Unites Against Us?
Why Are We Isolating Ourselves While Much of the World Now Unites Against Us?

As the world’s most powerful nation, a lot happens inside the United States. We have an immense territory with a varied and dynamic population. We also suffer from massive internal problems that need much attention.

With so much going on inside the country, the temptation is to turn inward and not pay attention to outside problems. Thus, many call for isolation and taking care of America first.

There is nothing wrong with dealing with our national problems seriously or even giving them priority. However, we cannot ignore the dangers of isolationism in our hostile world.

We Have Obligations

Like it or not, being a world power comes with responsibilities toward other nations and regions that guarantee order and trade. Like it or not—and there is much not to like—the globalized world is interconnected.

Our national interest and supply chains intersect with much of what happens politically. Conflicts, ideologies and power struggles make the world a very dangerous place that needs constant care and vigilance. We must be involved in these matters lest chaos take hold of the world.

America is also part of bigger alliances that help maintain the world’s stability. Above all, we are part of the West, which has dominated the postwar world and contains the remnants of Christian civilization that are worth fighting for.

The Temptation of Isolationism

The fatigue of this enormous responsibility weighs heavy upon us. In decadent times like ours, the temptation of isolationism beckons us to shrug off our duties and selfishly think only about ourselves.

We judge the cost and effort of our alliances as too great. We have done enough, we say to ourselves. For too long, we have paid with treasure and blood the price of a tenuous postwar peace. Let others step up to the plate.

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Others use our cultural and moral decadence as an excuse to withdraw from the world stage and isolate ourselves from others inside our nation. Some call for a retreat into a “Benedict Option,” waiting for better times and a rebirth of Christian morals. Others more selfishly insist upon only caring for themselves and doing nothing for anyone else. They claim that they need no one.

Isolationism Leads to Separatism

Thus, this urge to isolate becomes contagious. The introspective appeal of isolation soon leads to separatism. The international divorce from the world has given way to a spate of national divorces between regions and states, which some are already speaking about.

Each isolation leads to further isolation as each locale becomes an isolated center. In the end, the nation’s unity is shattered into a thousand shards.

The worst illusion is that some think all this loosening of ties can occur inside a political vacuum. They believe we can isolate ourselves and do our own thing, and nothing will happen. The world will leave us alone if we leave it alone.

A General Reset

The world will not let us alone. We do not have the luxury of cutting loose without facing our destruction. If America isolates itself, others will occupy the power vacuum. Yet worse, many enemies will use this opportunity to unite much of the rest of the world against us.

Indeed, the pieces are falling into place for a general restructuring that will violently change the political landscape. We ignore this reshuffle at our peril. We are foolish not to seek the help of other nations to confront it.

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This world realignment is principally directed against America as the principal global power. However, the scope is broader. The malevolent engineers of this fundamental change target the West as the world’s organizing principle. They will introduce new paradigms, ideologies and postmodern narratives that will shake and topple modern certainties.

Ukraine and a Multi-Polar World

We do not have to look far for evidence of this anti-Western realignment. It is already advancing on the world stage and its protagonists openly discuss their plans against us.

Consider the war in Ukraine. It has triggered a massive realignment that is radically altering what remains of the postwar order.

Before the war, Russia and China made every effort to integrate themselves into the West’s globalized systems, which they now decry. However, Russia and its allies have now broken with this integration and have embarked upon creating what they call a multipolar world order. It is an alternative global system which includes the Global South, whose member countries increasingly challenge the hegemony of the West.

A Bipolar, not a Multi-polar World

The Ukrainian war provoked a hard break with the West. By invading a neighboring country, Russia triggered tripwires that it knew would put itself outside the major global networks. It moved closer to China, which had been working for eleven years at setting up its vast parallel Belt and Road Initiative, comprised of over 150 nations.

Indeed, the war has facilitated the close alliance of three great anti-Western (and anti-Catholic) powers: Russia, China and Iran with its radical Islamism.

Yet another alignment of the anti-Western camp is the BRICS political alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It has nine member nations now. Fifteen other countries have applied for membership. Twenty-two others have expressed interest in joining.

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All these developments point to a worldwide divide that is much more bipolar than multi-polar since the unifying factor in this Russia-China-Iran aligned part of the world is the desire to unseat the Western powers.

An Anti-Western Meeting in Moscow

A significant sign of this gathering storm was a recent meeting in Moscow that united anti-Western activists from across the globe.

The International Russophile Movement (MIR) held its second congress in Moscow on February 26—27. The event brought together hundreds of delegates from over 130 countries. One report on the event claimed: “The plan for the collapse of the West is ready: Elites from 130 countries have gathered in Moscow.”

A menagerie of postmodern figures representing left and right came together to focus on this goal of defeating the West.

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the congress, commenting on its growth since last year. Russian ideologue Aleksandr Dugin highlighted the anti-Western purpose that brought the delegates together: “We still don’t know what kind of world we want,” he said. “Yes, right now, we are united by our rejection of American hegemony.”

A Who’s Who

The only requirement to gain admittance to the assembly was antipathy for the West. People could be, and were, everywhere on the political scale.

For example, China’s Eric X. Li, a Berkeley and Stanford graduate, took center stage, presenting China’s authoritarian one-party system as a world model.

The event gathered personalities like Aleida, the pro-Venezuela avowed Marxist daughter of guerrilla idol Che Guevara. Also present were the grandson of Charles de Gaulle and Cynthia McKinney, ex-U.S. Congresswoman (1993—2003; 2005—2007) and then Green Party presidential candidate (2008).

Esoteric philosophers and Islamist thinkers like Sheikh Imran Hosein sent messages or gave speeches. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò sent an anti-globalist message (as if to equate the West with globalism!). The aged former prime minister of the Slovak Republic, Ján Čarnogurský, lost no time in praising Russia’s leading role in changing the world.

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Indeed, the meeting’s claim of building multipolarity represents the triumph of esoteric philosophies, pagan models and recycled leftist ideologies that will make up Dugin’s still-undefined anti-Western world order.

Why Attack the West?

Some might wonder why these nations and groups would make such an effort against the clearly decadent West. They do not oppose the West because it is decadent, for they share the same decadence. The cultural revolution is worldwide.

They oppose the West because it is the West, an imperfect system that still defends some key elements of order. They especially oppose the West’s highest expression in Christendom, which survives in myth and legend. The concept of the West is an obstacle to the multi-polar post-liberal world they envision.

In his book Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Catholic thinker Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira traces the revolutionary processes and revolutions that have attacked the Christian West over the past five hundred years.

In its present decadent state, the West, both its bad and good elements, represents a historical phase that must be destroyed if the next revolution is to succeed. All the structures, narratives, myths and Christian themes must be eliminated to usher in a new, mysterious post-Christian world.

Whether this destruction is done by woke corporatism, secular liberalism, radical Islamism or Eastern ideologies, it matters little. The West is the target.

Which West Should We Defend

The question we must answer is which West should we defend.

The only option for America is to fight back. However, we cannot win if we defend a decadent West. We must return to the roots of our Christian order, which is desired by so many Americans who grieve for our nation. Then, we will have the elements to win.

Instead of isolating ourselves in our decadence, we should boldly affirm the West in what it has of good. Above all, we cannot remain idle and isolated while those who plot our destruction will be attacking from all sides and will not rest until we are defeated.

Photo Credit:  © Igor – stock.adobe.com


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