Why Did a Pro-homosexual Student Spit on TFP volunteer?

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Why Did a Pro-homosexual Student Spit on TFP volunteer?As students made their way to classes on a bright Monday morning they heard the sound of bagpipes and slogans and saw TFP banners. TFP Student Action members were distributing fliers encouraging students to defend traditional marriage as God made it.

Arguing with a pro-homosexual student at Millersville.
Arguing with a pro-homosexual
student at Millersville.

Within a few hours, everything from thumbs up and warm words of thanks to nasty yelling, cursing and spitting took place at Millersville University near Lancaster, Penn. “Thank you very much for coming out here,” said one woman. “I really like the bagpipes!”

After monitoring the campaign for a while, a police officer approached the TFP volunteers and said: “I appreciate your professionalism and respectful conduct. When I say I appreciate your professionalism, I really mean it. I appreciate the way you carry yourselves. Thank you!”

Soon a group of seven pro-homosexual “marriage” students appeared. With torn cardboard boxes, they improvised signs bearing liberal clichĂ©s such as “equal,” “human rights,” and “support unconditional love.” Interestingly, to appear less aggressive, their signs did not mention the issue at hand, homosexual “marriage.”

Tradition, Family, Property
TFP Volunteer Peter Miller.

Same-sex “Marriage” Advocate Spits on Peter Miller

However, approaching TFP volunteer Peter Miller from behind, and without warning, a young woman spit on him. “She didn’t say anything to me. She just spit on me and walked away. It’s humiliating to be spit on, of course,” said Peter Miller.

With the number of pro-homosexual and pro-abortion clubs that exist on secular campuses, it is not altogether surprising when one encounters contempt for the truth, especially regarding sexual morality. “You find people who hate the truth and when you defend the truth, they hate both the message and the messenger,” continued Peter Miller. “But I am not even slightly discouraged. I think of the Beatitudes and the promise Our Lord made to those who endure persecution for His sake. The truth will eventually prevail,” he said.

If you’ve ever been mistreated for defending moral values on campus, TFP Student Action would like to hear about it. Write to [email protected]

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