Why Does a State University Insist On Offending Catholics With Blasphemous Guadalupe Display?

Why Does a State University Insist On Offending Catholics With Blasphemous Guadalupe Display?
Why Does a State University Insist On Offending Catholics With Blasphemous Guadalupe Display?

The concerns of tens of thousands of people have fallen on deaf ears as Grand Valley State University insists on offending Catholics. Located in Allendale, Michigan, the public university displayed an insulting piece called Petales the Cambios (Petals of Change) by Irlanda Beltran. It is a set of three murals with offensive words and images imposed over three pictures of Our Lady (under the invocations of the Immaculate Conception, Guadalupe, and Graces. The details of the blasphemy are described in a previous TFP Student Action article that can be read here.

Through its America Needs Fatima campaign, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) organized a rosary rally in protest and reparation on February 8. The rally was organized by Meredith Burl and attended by 92 people. Offended Catholics braved a cold and windy day with snow on the forecast to pray the entire rosary outside the Kirkhof Center, which displayed the blasphemy.

Participants were primarily locals, but others came from neighboring states like Indiana. Two students drove down from Ft. Wayne. The road conditions on their drive back were so bad that it took them almost twice as long as the drive down. Nevertheless, the two were glad to have made the sacrifice of joining the rosary rally.

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A couple came down from the Milwaukee area to add their public act of reparation. They, too, had to drive back in wintry conditions. A student from Illinois also came and was shivering after standing in the cold for over two hours holding a banner. He, too, was glad to be there to voice his complaint against the blasphemy.

The local protesters were not alone on this issue. GVSU student Noah Mullins has led the fight against this display since the beginning of the school year. He, too, was present at the rally. He and fellow students complained to the university in October and have held talks with university representatives since November. One of Noah’s complaints is that marking an X over the face of a person incites violence. Commonly, this marking is understood as a sign of someone who is being targeted by killers. The university refused to remove the display, saying it deserved to be shown.

Mrs. Meredith Burl organized the rosary rally. She complained to the university about the display. “There are two men kissing in one of the images of Our Lady. The [display] is perverse and sacrilegious.” When the university staff told her they do not censor art, she responded that she had never seen or heard of a display disparaging Mohammed. They don’t seem to have respect for Christianity. “It creates a hostile environment for young students.”

It was bought with the university’s taxpayer money. She even offered to buy it from the university so it could be destroyed, but officials refused. She asked the locals to bring their handmade signs to the protest. Her favorite was “Reparation! Reparation! Reparation!” which refers to the Fatima angel’s message to humanity.

In addition, two state representatives have complained publicly about this display. State Rep. Jamie Thompson aptly pointed out that this is “an insulting attack on Christians.” State Rep. Luke Meerman said, “I don’t think it belongs on a college campus…it should come down.” Several Catholic news agencies have reported on it.

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TFP Student Action gathered almost 13,000 signatures of those offended by the blasphemy. The display does not foster unity, respect, and understanding in the general public. Clearly, the public finds it offensive.

Yet, the university staff ignores just how offensive the displays are. In their eagerness to promote the LGBTQ agenda, they forget that the defacing of that which is sacred is extremely offensive.

Days before the rally, a university official told Mrs. Burl that the display would be “relocated,” hoping it would be enough to cancel the rally. Mrs. Burl responded that the rally was an act of reparation for the offense already committed.

She held the rally despite the removal because the university staff announced that they intended to put the display up again in a “better context.”

Why do Catholics find the display so offensive? Some reasons can be found in the history of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is one of the three designations of the Blessed Mother defaced in the murals. For Mexicans and Catholics worldwide, Our Lady of Guadalupe represents a singular blessing from heaven. The miraculous appearance of this image marked the conversion of millions of Mexican Indians to the Catholic faith.

The Aztec era society permitted homosexuality, human sacrifice, and forms of what is now called LGBT sexuality1 as mentioned by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s books2, a shipwrecked Spaniard in pre-colonial America who lived with the native populations in Mexico for eight years.

The conversion of millions was an indication that Mexicans wanted to change. They came to Mexico City from all over Mexico to see the miracle of Guadalupe, be instructed in the faith, and be baptized. No one forced them to come or convert. They came on their own volition. Testimonies tell of missionaries’ arms collapsing from fatigue due to the number of people being baptized. The Mexicans put aside immoral practices like homosexuality, human sacrifice, polygamy, and adultery and embraced the Catholic faith.

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The Guadalupe image’s popularity demonstrates its importance to the Mexican people. Pilgrims continue to visit the image in the millions as a sign of their love and devotion. Guadalupe is the most popular pilgrimage site in the world. It has never been seen as a sign of division, oppression, or disunity. This important devotion was instrumental in helping the Mexican people willingly abandon their pagan and immoral vices.

It is this image that the university staff has made an object of dishonor.

There is a limit to free expression, as there are limits to free speech. Just as there is no right to lie, perjure, or plagiarize, there is no moral right to libel or defame good character, even in art pieces.

May our prayers and sacrifice send a message to administrators everywhere: Catholics will protest blasphemy. May our public protest convince the university to destroy this piece and apologize. Profaning what is sacred should never be considered free speech.

There is still time to add your name to the petition drive in protest and reparation to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Go to https://tfpstudentaction.org/petitions/protest-blasphemy-at-gvsu. Please encourage others to sign it as well.

Photo Credit:  © wolterke – stock.adobe.com



  1. https://gsws.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk6301/files/media/documents/WMS%20190_Fatima%20Garcia%20.pdf
  2. Cabeza de Vaca’s Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America, The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, and The Journey of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions from Florida to the Pacific.

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