Youths for Life Frustrate “Culture of Death” Event in Argentina

Youths for Life Frustrate “Culture of Death” Event in ArgentinaOn October 11-13, the Argentine government promoted the “29th National Encounter of Women,” which annually brings together hundreds of feminist activists in favor of abortion, LGBT issues, and even prostitution.

These meetings usually conclude with a parade to the local cathedral to deface, profane, and even invade it if possible.

This time, however, the “Encounter” took place in the city of Salta, in northern Argentina. However, forewarned against this aggressively anti-Christian initiative, local Catholics and pro-life activists reacted in a peaceful, legal and remarkably successful way.

Martin Patrito, president of the ArgentinosAlerta association told ACIPrensa news agency that “upon arriving in Salta, abortion activists found a city full of pro-life posters spread by groups that defend life and the family.”

The Catholic organization actually made it impossible for anti-life activists to even approach the cathedral: “This time, not even a drop of ink smeared the Cathedral,” Martin said.

Since it is allowed by the regulations of the government-sponsored “Encounter,” many women and girls peacefully and legally entered the rooms where feminists held their debates. There, they presented proposals to be voted upon and numerically won the approval of decisions favorable to life.

As could be expected, the daring and intelligence of these Catholic ladies unleashed the wrath of professional agitators, particularly since the same thing has happened in earlier “Encounters.”

For example, the Argentinos por la Vida (Argentines for Life) organization published on Facebook the conclusions of one of the committees, called “Workshop for Women, Abortion and Contraception.” The approved measure states that “the majority of this committee favors the life of the unborn child; we are the voice of the voiceless.”

At the “Encounter” site, this pro-life organization celebrated its victory and unfurled a banner which read: “We filled up their encounter.”

Argentinos Alerta promoted, through the CitizenGO platform, an electronic petition asking local authorities for police protection from predictable vandalism by the feminists.

In the Cathedral of Salta are venerated two of Argentina’s most beautiful and famous statues, object of processions and pilgrimages with hundreds of thousands of faithful on the main feast days of ‘Jesus of the Miracle’ and the Virgin of Miracles.

“Thousands of citizens sent letters to state and local authorities through CitizenGO asking them to ensure public safety and protect the city. And so it happened. For when the violent anti-Christian activists arrived they found streets, churches and buildings well protected by the police” and were unable to approach, Martin said.

The women organizers of the provocative annual event call themselves sovereign, democratic, pluralistic and egalitarian, but their real purpose “became obvious at the opening session when they proclaimed: ‘we want to decriminalize abortion’.”

“In fact, these aggressive and violent activists would not listen to opinions contrary to abortion. But that was already known in advance and did not prevent the message for life and family from being heard loud and clear,” Martin said. According to him, the Salta “Encounter” failed in its sacrilegious goals.

Among the agitators were “militants of the [far left] Workers Party who, while claiming to denounce discrimination and violence uttered all kinds of blasphemies against the Catholic Church and the faithful gathered in front of the Cathedral to protect it.”

“This is the degree of intolerance shown by those clamoring for ‘tolerance’ and ‘openness’: they practice aggression and violence against those who do not think the way they do.”

This is because “abortion is violence and can only be imposed with lies and violence,” Martin concluded.




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